Home > Media archive > Weekly preachings > Brother Wossen Teshome 2018-08-05

Media: Brother Wossen Teshome 2018-08-05

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Ordinary weekly programs at JEC

  1. You can reach our two Pastors by the following telephone number: Pastor Negussu Gule (+46 (0)735115951) & Pastor Wessen Teshome (+46 (0)736162913)

  2. Mondays 10:00-14:00 Brother Musse Hailu gives advice and mentorship service in Church. You can get hold of Musie by calling 0707568264.

  3. Wednesday 10:00-15:00 prayer and fasting

  4. Thursday 18:00-20:00 Bible study at various locations in Stockholm in homes. One bible study group gathers at Jerusasalem Evangelical Church
  5. Every Saturday 18:00-20:00 prayer evenings
  6. Every Sunday 10:00-11:30 Teen-ages' worship service in Swedish
  7. Every Sunday 10:30-11:30 AM Morning/preparatory prayer time.
  8. Every Sunday: 11:30 AM -13:30 PM Worship service and preaching in Amharic

Childrens, teen age and youth ministries in the Church

  • Sunday School service for children from the age of 3 - 12 and
  • Teachings and ministering to teen-agers from the age of 13-19
  • Teaching and ministering to Swedish Speaking youths over the age of 18 (Every other Wednesday evenings via zoom)

Contact the Church leadership to book a meeting room:

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